The flyman

Go away fly on my hair -
I'm not a landing pad!
Fly, fly just disappear
Here and there,
Bloody everywhere;
But yet again it’s there in front of me.
With a zip it’s on a kamikaze mission for my eye.
This is getting annoying!
As I get up in a game of chase
I have three choices.
A secret mission,
The ninja is seeking me out
As I lay on my bed with no clothes on.
The boss darts
For my private parts
I dare to swat it -
Such a pirate!
I’m searching on my phone
For that new song
As I try to kill it with a cheese grater.
But I'm aiming for a needle in a haystack
As I jump off the windowsill
Into a bush.
Just piss off!
It runs with me around the corner
To the bus stop.
Thank God,
For as I stand there freezing
I suddenly realise I'm naked!
Who’s looking and what the hell am I going to do?
With a casual walk two old ladies are disgusted.
Somehow I arrive
at my front door
And yet it’s frustrating - no key!
With a climb of the drainpipe I find safety
As I say, “Hello fly” again....


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