Magic slippers

Off to the shop to get some milk With my shorts and slippers on. No top - I'm showing my chest off.
Hello Humpty Dumpty on the wall
As I walk down the road and see Peter Pan and Wendy.
I thought I looked cool but Wendy’s your well out there.
Hi 5, great dress code
But where's your handbag and hairdryer?
As I walk on avoiding creepy Freddy Krueger
I spot the girl cute as can be "says her name Sandy"
get talking and kissing,
I look at my phone it's gone past 9 o'clock,
I'm in the doghouse when I get home.
Summer Dreams ripped at the seams
On a council estate as Mrs Robinson looks in disgust.
I dodge the potholes to get home the windows black out.
Shit forgot to get the electricity card!
I fumble around for paracetamols;
I'm going to top myself...
Off in an ambulance to the local hospital
To have my stomach pumped.
Great - I have no money.
As I walk home in the rain I look in the fridge
Some milk, half a loaf of mouldy bread.
Mum keeps saying life will get better.
As go off to bed as I have school in the morning.


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