The chair

In the Hall of Hawking I meet a man called Stephen
Who tells me that Pi equals 3.14159.
Buy cheese, a jar of pickled onions and chicken tikka masala
And a bar of Milky Way.
There’s a place called a Black Hole -
I think it sounds like the drain outside the back door;
Just a giant plughole really!
I'm not Isaac Newton,
All I know is if I need to float
I take drugs to be high in the cloud of smoke.
There are some side effects but I'm addicted.
Needles on the floor, a spoon of crystal meth;
I'm an addict,
I'll do anything to get my buzz. Steal, murder, whatever...
I only care for myself, no other. As I watch this film about a man called Stephen Hawking
That makes me cry for his bravery
To fight such adversity.
An amazing achievement -
I don't understand it
But he had a goal and achieved it,
So I am going to rehab and wake up and have a purpose in life
Maybe I will achieve my little goal
And one day I can look back on it.


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