If only I could take a happy pill

The pills, the pills, rattling in my head.
I’m going to give up the meds  and do herbal instead.
“Doctor, Doctor, I think I’m poorly”
“You’d better come down at 2.30..”
Prick, poke, blood test.
“I’ll take your temperature and listen to your heart.”
“Oh no, that’s not good, your heart’s racing like a Ferrari!”
999 ambulance, ambulance!
Nee-nar, nee-nar, I’m down the hospital.
Prick, poke, blood test.
“Oh no, I’d better put a plaster on that.”
Time for an ECG.
“I know what’s wrong; here’s a happy pill to fix it.”
Then I wake up, and the Nurse says, “I bet you’re grateful for the NHS!”


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